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Science And Technology

South Science and Technology Magnet honor roll

All A’s

fifth grade: Presley Delph, Maxwell Foley, Kathryn Kelly

sixth grade: Emeralda Baldwin

eighth grade: Emanuel Brito-Diaz, Angela Fronzaglia, Reggie Jones, Josiah Phillips, Brady Wright

A B Honor Roll

fifth grade: Matthew Askins, Elias Creighton, Jonathon Gillette, Mi’Pleasure Godsey, Elijah Kerber, Lucan Oen, Erick Rivas Figueroa, Preston Tyson

sixth grade: Isaac Greyeyes, Aidan Line, Calen Oen, Dakota Rigsby, Alexandra Saavedra, Atticus Thompson King, Isaac Ward

seventh grade: Mason Tatro

eighth grade: Shannon Delph, Shawn Foster, John Thompson, Marley Watts

3.0 Honor Roll

fifth grade: Charlie Graham, Sarah Hooks, La’Myla Miles, Isaiah Stuber, Zu’Sanna Younger

sixth grade: Izzy Derosia, Tori’Ajia Dew, Serenity Gilbert, Trenton Hardesty, Manuel Sanchez, Hope Smith, Ashlyn White

seventh grade: Jordan Crawford, Serenity Werling

eighth grade: Jenni Canchola-Flores, Aiden Doriety, Brady Mitchell, Grace Shoemaker, Noah Simpson

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